Tag Archive for: FAQ

What are Kiln-Dried Engineered Logs?
Whether you’ve just begun researching log homes or are still trying to decide which product is best for you, we are here to help. Some terms you may have heard but don’t completely understand may include engineered aka laminated logs, solid…

HVAC Options: Log Home Under Construction
If you’re a regular follower of our blog, you know the Rhode Island log home we’ve been documenting is coming along nicely. The builder has completed his work and the homeowner will be finishing the remainder of that project himself. Hopefully…

Installing Electrical Wiring in a Log Home
How do you run electrical wiring through a log home?
THAT is a very important question – and it’s one we get all the time.
A log home is different than a conventional home, but with proper planning, you can have electrical fixtures,…

Custom Built Log Home by Timberhaven – Part 1 – Design & Land Considerations
The majority of people who own a custom built log home will tell you they spent years planning for their project. From the initial phase of clipping photos out of magazines and researching on the Internet – to attending log home shows, meeting…