Tag Archive for: Log Home Builders

Finding the Right Builder for Your Dream Home
You’ve spent years clipping magazine photos and building idea boards on Pinterest. You’ve gone to log and timber shows and manufacturers’ educational seminars to equip yourself with the information you need to make this life-changing…

Weather-Tight Log Home – New Model Under Construction: Part 6
Weather-Tight Log Home: It’s time to install the roof sheathing, windows and doors on Mary and Philip Girton’s new model log home. This stage is often referred to as the “dry-in” or “weather-tight” phase – the terms are self-explanatory…

Lakeside Log Cabin Home
As if on cue for the spring thaw, the construction of the lakeside log cabin home we’ve been documenting has been completed! Let us be the first to say: The cabin turned out beautifully. Congratulations Stan Dixon and Greg Massmann (reps…

Benefits of building a log home in the winter: Part 3
Of course there are some disadvantages to building a log home in the winter -- the process has its advantages, too!
In extreme cold weather, construction timeframes are increased because it takes longer to do everything! From sweeping or…

Building in the winter: Can it be done? Part 2
While our log homes look exceptionally beautiful covered in a blanket of snow, it’s a common misconception that a log home cannot be built in the winter. Au contraire - it absolutely can be done! To ensure a smooth process, however, there…

FAQ: Can my log home be built in the winter? Part 1
"Can my log home be built in the winter?" is a question we are asked frequently, especially this time of year.
While our log homes look exceptionally beautiful covered in a blanket of snow, it is a common misconception that you cannot actually…

FAQ – What’s included in your materials packages?
For those who are not familiar with the construction process of a log home or timber frame home, trying to understand all that is included in your package can be a little confusing at times. We get the question every day, “What all is included…

Rock Solid Contracting Brings Bitter Sweet Dream Home to Reality
Last summer Dan and Beth Atkins of Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania started planning for a timber frame retirement home in Thompson Falls, Montana. While on their way to the Treasure State to meet the local builder, the couple received a devastating…

How To Find the Right Builder for Your Log or Timber Home
You’ve spent years clipping magazine photos and building idea boards on Pinterest. You’ve gone to log and timber shows and manufacturers’ educational seminars to equip yourself with the information you need to make this life-changing…