Tag Archive for: Log Homes

Hurricanes Pushing Up Prices for Labor and Materials
This article is reprinted with permission from loghomes.org; it was originally published here.
Hurricanes Pushing Up Prices for Labor and Materials: If you’re planning on building your log and timber home in 2018, you should start…

Focal Features: Fireplaces & Accent Walls
Your log home or timber frame home is an extension of you, your lifestyle, and personal tastes. You choose the perfect location; you design the layout to fit your needs; you incorporate the amenities that will enable you to enjoy life more…

The Differences Between a Log Home or Timber Frame Home
In the “wood-centric” housing market, customers often hear the terms “solid log,” “engineered log,” and “timber frame” in reference to different home design options. But, what exactly are they, and what are the differences…

Welcome to Pennsylvania’s Timberhaven Log & Timber Homes
Welcome to Timberhaven Log & Timber Homes. I’m Brad Mercer, Corporate Sales Manager. If you’re not familiar with Timberhaven, I’d like to take the next few minutes to introduce you to our company, our products and our services.

Lead Handcrafter Talks Timber Frame and Family
You know the antiquated restaurant down the street that has the yummiest pierogies known to mankind? Or your favorite flower shop that barely fits a single 72 cu. ft. cooler? There’s a high probability that you don’t favor these places…

Log Cabin Home – Under Construction: Part 12
After a few inches of snow, tucked perfectly in its wooded setting, Jack and Bob’s log cabin home looks like this. There’s no reason to fret a blizzard, power outage or Arctic temperatures because when you’re here, there is no such thing…

Local Business Owners Attend NAHB Tour – Timberhaven
For immediate release - May 1, 2014: Joseph Folker, Leonard Kuhns, and Lynda Tompkins -
owners of Timberhaven Log Homes in Lewisburg, PA – recently attended the NAHB tour (National
Association of Home Builders) in Manchester, NH. The 3-day…