Tag Archive for: Timber Frame Homes

Shade Haven Timber Frame / Hybrid Home Design
According to Merriam-Webster, the word haven has a few different meanings. A haven can refer to a harbor or port. It can refer to a place offering favorable opportunities and conditions. Most importantly, however, it can refer to a place of…

New Design: Loganton Timber Frame / Hybrid Home
Announcing our NEW Loganton Timber Frame/ Hybrid Home Design
Home has always been a safety zone for families. Throughout this past year, though, folks were forced to embrace the let’s-stay-home lifestyle on a whole new level. As such, homeowners…

Timber Elements: A Modern Touch of Timber
Timber elements provide exciting possibilities in both architectural and structural design. In addition to being incredibly beautiful, timber accents are so versatile that they can conform to any design style— including modern. In fact, they…

Forever Grateful – A Note of Sincere Thanks
“Forever grateful” are words Mark and Eileen McDermott echo without hesitation when they are reminiscing about their Timberhaven experience. We caught up with these new homeowners recently, and here is what they had to share [at length]:

Announcing the Saratoga Home Design: Timber Frame or Hybrid Home
When it comes to autumn, there are several things to love— the changing leaves, boots and hoodies, fresh apple cider and pumpkin treats, and of course, extra family time. But one thing that really stands out is the weather. There’s just…

Custom Features for a Home Like No Other
Your home is an extension of yourself— your likes, dislikes, and of course, your personality. So when the time comes to plan a new build— or, extend a current one— it’s important that you take time to consider a unique space or specific…

Timberhaven: Who We Are and What We Do
The history of log and timber structures dates back to the early days of American culture, with the first log home originating in our country somewhere during the 17th century. Considering, many people still actively seek log and timber home…

2019 Fall Feature Home: Cottage Hybrid with Timber Accents
This promotion has expired. As long sunny days wane into short chilly nights, we are reminded that fall is upon us. Soon, the air will be crisper, the leaves will be changing, and everything will be just a little bit cozier. Speaking of cozy,…

Introducing: Hybrid Homes with Timber Accents
The term hybrid applies to many different things, including cars, plants, and even dogs. But the term applies just as equally to home construction. In fact, there’s been a shift within the log and timber frame home industry over the past few…